CROWN HERITAGE Corporate Team Building @ Special Series (PENANG)

 Team Building Challenge 1 : Team Cheering
Each team has to walk through the transparent glass at high altitude and cheer/scream as loud as possible to break the previous team record which is detected by sound detector.

 Meet the excitements, conquer your fear. Support your teammates to overcome the challenges.

Those are the key learning that we would expect in our team building program.

Team Building Challenge 2 : Photo Hunting at penang street gallery

Team leader planning strategies with their members in order to complete the challenge.

Every team has to be arm-locked between team members during photo hunt and every team member has to point at the specific photo before taking the team photo.

Through this challenge every team are able to show their tacit-understanding between their team members, on the other hand also showing their team spirit.

Team Building Challenge 3 : Count hundreds of durians within 1 min
4 teams has to work together and count the durians by sections sum up the numbers of durians at the end.Bonus treasure chest can be obtained for the following challenge if they are able to tell the total amount of durians.

Team leader choosing the treasure box contains advantage & disadvantage bonus. All the team leader are choosing the treasure box with the feeling of extreme nervous.

Through the bonus of the treasure chest from the previous round each team has obtained different amounts of ping pong ball  (papaya seeds).
With the unbalance amount of papaya seeds between 4 teams, they will need to slide a total of  32 seeds through the yellow papaya flesh into the center part of the papaya to complete the challenge.


  1. Very well written article. It was an awesome article to read. Complete rich content and fully informative. I totally Loved it. virtual team building activities in UK

  2. Wonderful blog! Team building is important for the efficient working of the company or the organization. Due to current covid condition, many employees work remotely. So it is very difficult to organize team-building events. But with online team building activities, it is quite easy to engage remote employees in various activities and make their team bond stronger with the colleagues.

  3. Nice Blog! Want a team building activity that will make your party memorable and fun? Team Building company in India can boost productivity and bring your team closer together. It helps to improve communication, team spirit among each other.


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